
All of us here at Hauppauge Middle School are excited to meet our incoming 6th graders. On Thursday, August 29th from 8-9AM, HMS administration, PPS, guidance counselors and SEPTA will be holding an orientation for students and parents of students with IEPs. The meeting will take place in the Middle School Auditorium. We will discuss available resources and share information regarding supports that are in place to help students with their academic, social and emotional journeys. In addition, we will review student schedules, tour the building and provide students with a chance to practice opening lockers.

On Friday, August 30th from 10-11:30AM, Grade 6 Orientation will take place for all grade 6 students. Students should be dropped off and picked up in the back of the building using the Lincoln Boulevard entrance. School personnel will be present to greet students and help them find their way to the auditorium in which the opening presentation will take place.

We have a fun day planned in which students will receive a warm welcome from their guidance counselors: Ms. Andrea Olivero, Ms. Reagan Lynch and Mr. Erik Clark. Our building administration team will provide students with an overview of the academic program, co-curricular clubs and intramural opportunities. In a structured format, students will have the opportunity to visit their assigned classrooms, tour the building and practice opening their lockers. It will be an exciting day and is designed to help students acclimate to the building while easing any apprehension.

On Friday, August 30th from 11-11:30AM, while our students are touring the building with our guidance counselors and student leaders, the building administration and I will be holding a welcome session for Grade 6 parents in the Middle School Auditorium. We will provide a brief introduction regarding opportunities and support available for our students while also answering questions. Parents may enter the building for this session at 10:50AM. Grade 6 parents interested in walking the building or helping their child organize their locker at the conclusion of the orientation may do so from 11:30AM-12:00PM on this day. Please refrain from adding contact paper or stickers to the interior or exterior of the lockers. Magnetic accessories on the inside of the locker work well.

I am looking forward to an outstanding year with your children. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Christine O'Connor

HMS Principal