RPTL Section 466-a
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 466-a of the Real Property Tax Law (“RPTL”), the Board of Education of the Hauppauge Union Free School District will hold a public hearing on February 11, 2025, at 8:00 p.m., prevailing time, at 495 Hoffman Lane, Hauppauge, NY 11788. The purpose of this public hearing is to provide an opportunity for interested parties and citizens to be heard regarding a proposed resolution related to the partial real property tax exemption for School District taxation purposes for qualifying volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers, as provided for by RPTL§ 466-a. The proposed resolution authorizes the repeal of the local options previously adopted under RPTL § 466-c; all previously adopted options will sunset by December 9, 2025, if not repealed earlier.
The proposed resolution authorizes the same partial exemption benefits previously adopted under RPTL§ 466-c, except pursuant to RPTL§ 466-a, the partial exemption benefits are expanded to cover the primary residence owned by a volunteer firefighter or volunteer ambulance worker who has a minimum service requirement of two years, three years or four years, instead of five years. Additional options under consideration are as follows:
A qualified volunteer with a minimum service requirement of two, three, or four years to under twenty years of service is entitled to a 10% real property tax exemption for School District taxation purposes;
A qualified un-remarried spouse of a previously qualified volunteer who died in the line of duty with at least five years of active service, or a shorter minimum period of active service authorized by RPTL § 466-a, is entitled to retain the 10% real property tax exemption;
A qualified volunteer with a minimum service requirement of more than twenty years of service is entitled to a 10% real property tax exemption for School District taxation purposes for his or her lifetime;
A qualified un-remarried spouse of a previously qualified volunteer who is deceased is entitled to retain the 10% lifetime real property tax exemption.
Upon the conclusion of this public hearing, the Board of Education intends to vote on a resolution at its public meeting on February 11, 2025.