Homeless Resources
The Hauppauge School District is committed to providing support to our students who are experiencing temporary homelessness. Homeless students face a unique set of challenges and circumstances that can impact their education. The Homeless Liaison is responsible for assuring that homeless students are appropriately identified and that the students, along with their families, are aware of the rights and opportunities available to them.
If you or someone that you know is experiencing homelessness, please contact the Homeless Liaison for assistance.
Homeless Liaison: Rebecca Bilski, bilskir@hauppauge.k12.ny.us 631.761.8342
District Social Workers:
Email Megan Gersbeck 631.761.8356
Email Shannon Griffin 631.761.8328
Email Jennifer Kalevas 631.761.8348
Email Andy Morris 631.761.8304
Email Pamela Ricotta 631.761.8259
Email Colleen Ruffini 631.761.8325
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